Nevis Associates Inc. Products
While providing custom developed Filemaker Pro solutions is the primary business of Nevis Associates Inc., we also offer standard product solutions based on experiences in the Manufacturer’s Representative business. These solutions are cross platform solutions, PC and Mac.
A standard product provides a distinct solution for a client and minimizes the initial investment in time and money. Nevis offers three products currently Rep Forecast Tool, CRM and Demo Tracking Tool.

Rep Forecast Tool
"Letting Sales Professionals Sell, Minimizing Paperwork"
With Nevis Associates Rep Forecast Tool, each sales rep company can more effectively drive their business. The Rep Forecast Tool is a software program that provides the framework to manage a sales opportunity from lead to completion. Sales managers are able to effectively monitor and drive the sales opportunities of their many sales people from multiple principals with numerous products. In addition, they are better able to estimate cash flows by tracking commissions from all principals for all orders in a common database.
Rep Forecast Tool Provides Tracking
Through many years of experience as sales manager, factory direct sales, and manufacturer’s rep sales, Nevis Associates Inc. has developed a software tool that improves the process of forecasting for multiple principals. Rep Forecast Tool is structured to provide a complete analysis of every sales opportunity. From sales lead or opportunity through completion, the Rep Forecast Tool provides a consistent method of tracking, analyzing, evaluating, and reporting the sales process.
The Tool uses three major categories to grade and track the flow of the opportunity:
• Sales Position
- Tracks and determines where in the sales process is the sales person
- Does product meet customer requirements and have we proved it
• Funding Position
- Uses requested, approved, and allocated budget as milestones
- Is the project funded and are funds available today
• Competition Position
- Is measured by knowledge of competitors and customer preference
- Does the customer know of or prefer the competition
The result is a quick check status code that provides an update of the sales process in the three critical areas of sales. These categories can be adapted to many principals forecasting criteria very easily providing a consistent grading scale to remove the emotional ebb and flow of the sales process experienced by field sales people.
Multiple Reports Meet Demands of Principals
Reports can be organized by Principal or Product and contain the most pertinent data required for the forecasting process:
• Projected date of closing • Product • Value • Status • Sales Manager version tracks salesperson and territory
Closed Opportunities Turn into Commissions Due
After a sales closes the Rep Forecast Tool continues to track the opportunity as commission due. The program uses a principal set up mode to store the payment criteria from each principal;
• Average days paid after shipment or booking
• Payment date criteria
• Commission percentage
The report can be used to track overdue payments and to predict cash flow by order, principal, or sales person.
Sales Business Forecasts on Product Based Sales
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Drive your business with a forecasting tool that provides consistent analysis of the opportunities, by providing multiple views and reports, to address the business requirements of multiple principals and products |
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Chronologically track the order process from lead opportunity to commission payment |
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Provide consistent data to partners using create, view, and print status reports by principal and/or product |
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Project business cash flows by calculating and tracking commissions due by principal and salesperson |
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Analyze the sales process by using consistent reports, month by month, salesman to salesman to monitor the status of opportunities using Sales, Funding, and Competition criteria to develop a quick check status code used to predict and track opportunities |

Demo Tracking Tool
Nevis has developed a tool for managing demo assets that any organization can use to:
• Improve utilization of company assets
• Lower sales expenses
• Shorten sales cycles
• Monitor sales activities
• Improve response time for customer demo requests
Have you been asking where all of our demo products are? Has the accounting department been auditing your sales team? Have you lost orders because you couldn’t get a demo to your customer quick enough? If so, you need the Nevis FileMaker Pro Demo Tracking Tool.
If you want to track;
• What model and version do you have in the pool, and how many
• What customer has a particular unit
• What sales team member is responsible for a unit
• When was the demo shipped and when should it be returned
• When was it upgraded, repaired, or calibrated
• What is the current book value, depreciation, or selling price
Our Demo Tracking Tool is a simple program that allows you to manage your demo pool in an efficient and cost-saving manner. Some benefits that have been realized are:
• Detailed information about each demo unit in the pool
- Identification information
- Current status (active/inactive/in or out-of-house)
- Service history
- Historical and current value
• Detailed information about the customer
- Customer details
- Sales person details
- Key dates
• A variety of reports that aid in managing the assets and your sales opportunities

Customer Relationship Management Tool (CRM)
"Letting Sales Professionals Sell, Minimizing Paperwork"
Nevis Associates, Inc. has developed and made available as a standard product a version of a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Tool that is designed for Manufacturer’s Representatives. By adding key features based on the daily work flow of a Manufacturer’s Rep, this package will provide benefits to the field sales person that will improve their efficiency and require less time to keep track of customers, quotes, and orders.
The CRM Tool is primarily organized by Customer and provides direct access to the data for Customer Locations, Contacts, Quotes, and Orders in any screen of the CRM. This makes it easy to have all of the information necessary to enter and develop quotes directly in the software and provide long term tracking benefits.
Each Customer file has Four Major Areas of Information
- Locations
- Contacts
- Quotes
- Orders
Multiple Reports Meet Demands of Rep Companies
Reports can be organized by Principal, Product, Sales Person, or Dates and contain the most pertinent data required for the sales analysis process:
- Quotes
- Product
- Principal
- POS orders
- Sales Person
- Commission
If you have the problem of tracking quotes and orders for multiple product lines for different Manufacturer’s this is the CRM Tool for you.
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Quotes from satisfied sales professionals:
“As well as being an excellent and easy tool to manage forecasts and commissions, this tool has helped us manage our sales opportunities in a more efficient and professional manner.”
Phil Casciano, President,
PMC Associates Inc
“In 30 years of rep business, this is the easiest and most comprehensive tool I have used to manage forecasts and commissions.”
Chuck Bejcek, President/Owner,
CR Communications
Other Testimonials >